One of the challenges of managing application in a distributed environment such as Cloud/Grid is that collecting or finding the management information of each part of the application is a relatively complex task.
JMX provides a standard way to expose the management information (MBean) of a particular server. However, the way the client-side finds all the MBeans that comprise the application, or the way a single client might interact with the distributed parts of the application, is left open.
Steve Colwill from PSJ wrote a detailed blog, JMX for Grid Based Applications,
where he outlines a solution that uses JMX JSR-160 connectors and GigaSpaces to create a JMX Fabric. According to the proposed solution, the managed agent (server side) use the connector to add a reference of each MBean stub to the space. The client uses a FederatedMBeanServerConnection class that picks up those references from the space, connects to them and then
delegates operations to the set of Mbean servers, effectively acting as a
Using the space as a JMX directory service
The above diagram illustrates how the model described by Steve works. The client is abstracted from the physical location of each server and can easily discover services that join the network. The connection from the client to the servers uses peer-to-peer communication, which means that once the service is discovered, no additional overhead is needed for communication between the client and the managed service. In this case, the space is used as a directory service. We leverage the fact that it can be distributed and dynamically discovered to simplify the discovery process in a distributed environment.
Using the space as a management data repository
The above model is quite useful for cases in which we want to expose federated services which have an existing remote interface. But this is not always the case. If it isn't, we can use the space as a management data repository, which contains full management information for each agent and exposes that information to the client or to any management application. In this method too, the client application is abstracted from the managed service. But unlike the first option, the client gets the information about the managed entity directly from the space, and doesn't need to maintain a connection with the managed service. The space in this case is used as a distributed database, so the application can not only obtain management information about an individual server but can also gather aggregate statistics and perform other aggregate data queries, directly on the data model.
Steve's solution to managing application in a distributed environment is an interesting one, as it enables applications that are already using a standard JMX interface to use a new federated model without changing the application and without adding a performance overhead. This is achieved just by plugging a new space-based connector. It is a good example that shows how a space can be used as a distributed directory service. It is important to note this is only one pattern in which a space can be used to solve this type of challenge. There are other ways; using the space as a management data repository, as I suggested in this post, is just one of them. The nice thing is that implementing any of these patterns becomes fairly simple once the space is brought into the picture.
I would like to end this post by thanking Steve specifically and PSJ in general for being a great partner for such a long period of time, and for sharing your experience in such meticulous detail.